Shoe shopping may not top many men’s lists of favorite activities, but from time to time, it has to be done. And it’s a process that should be done with a bit of care. Beyond the style considerations that may be foremost in your mind, your shoes will have a disproportionate influence on your overall comfort level. Ill-fitting shoes can make standing and walking a literal pain, and cause significant health issues for not only your feet, but your ankles, knees, back, and more.
So whether you’re buying casual athletic sneakers or formal dress shoes, you want the pair you choose to fit as perfectly as possible. Following the guidelines outlined above will get you much of the way there; following these additional tips will bring your new kicks on home:
7. Make sure they feel good right out the box. While new shoes will conform to your feet with regular wear, especially if they’re made from leather, the degree their size and shape will change over time isn’t significant. So don’t count on this breaking-in process turning an uncomfortable, ill-fitting shoe into a comfortable, well-fitting one; your shoes should feel good and fit well from the get-go.