Don't give a fuck.
Until you can truly no longer give a single fuck, it will be hard to be confident.
I can speak to any large group about anything I am educated on. I have no problem striking up conversations with strangers. Before I was married, I had no issue with talking to women and asking them out.
I don't give a fuck.
EDIT: Okay, it seems as if most of you don't understand.
This isn't "fuck everybody else" thinking. It's not an excuse to be an asshole. It's not an excuse to be a sociopath.
This is "I like this purple and yellow striped shirt, so I'm going to wear it and I don't give a single, lonely fuck what anybody else thinks about it" thinking.
This is "That guy/girl might be way out of my league, but fuck it, I'm going in" thinking.
It can't be taught by anybody else. You just nut the fuck up and go for it.
You think that douche you see in a bar isn't insecure in some way? You bet your sweet ass his is. He just doesn't give a fuck. That's why you think he's a douche. He's doing what you can't - he's not giving a fuck.
He's gonna get shot down. Lots. But he's going to keep going right back in.
THAT'S what this thinking is about.
Fucking rock out in your car in dead stopped traffic. You are probably never going to see those people again. What the fuck do you care what they think?
Fucking wear that purple and yellow striped shirt to dinner. You are probably never going to see those people again. What the fuck do you care what they think?
Fucking talk to that guy/girl at the bar and ask them out. You are probably never going to see those people again. What the fuck do you care what they think? And if they accept the date, you fucking win!
1. Spruce up your appearance
Take time for proper grooming and dressing. Does this mean you have to go metrosexual and lather yourself in creams? No. It does mean to take time for a basic grooming routine and learning the basics of dressing appropriately. Shower and shave everyday. Brush your teeth. Run a comb through your hair. While these things are simple, you’d be surprised by the number of men who fail to do them.
In addition, take time to actually dress yourself in the morning. Wearing sweat pants and a ratty t-shirt makes you look like a bum, not someone who is confident. A good rule of thumb is to dress so you wouldn’t be embarrassed to meet a woman or business contact later for an impromptu lunch. You’ll be able to strike the right balance of casualness and formality.
2. Exercise
Nothing can boost manly confidence like exercise. The increased blood flow makes you feel good and hormones are released that boost your confidence.
3. Learn a new skill
Confident men are constant learners. By learning a new skill, you demonstrate to yourself that you’re capable of adapting to anything that life throws at you. There are millions of skills that you can acquire in this life. Find one you’ve always wanted to know and get to work on it. Want to know a martial art? Call a dojo and sign up for a class. Want to learn how to fix a car? Go to the library today and check out books on auto repair. Just do something , damn it!
4. Take stock of past success.
Sit down in your man chair and dim the lights. Think back to moments in life when you were successful. They don’t have to be huge successes. By remembering past successes, you’ll show yourself you’re not a complete screw up. Realizing you can succeed breeds confidence to take on new activities. Write down these pasts successes in a journal. When you need a confidence boost, whip it out and look through them.