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How to rock parents meeting

Do Your Homework

Any preparation you can do before meeting the parents will be helpful. When she mentions her mom or dad in offhand remarks, file it away in your brain. Feel free to ask her direct questions about them, too. Ask about any potential surprises. If there’s anything you need to know before going into the situation, it’s better to find out early.

The fewer surprises you encounter when you meet them, the better. Find out about their jobs and interests. Conversing with people from a different age bracket can be challenging, as both parties struggle to find common topics to discuss. Before you meet her parents, ask your girlfriend about them.

Equipping yourself with this knowledge can help you keep the conversation flowing – especially when your girlfriend isn't around to facilitate.

Make a Great First Impression

Dress sharp.

Give a friendly greeting. As soon as you meet the parents, look them in the eye, smile, and offer a firm handshake to both parents.

Build Rapport

Don't take your phone to the dining table
Nothing is ruder. Taking your phone to the table gives the impression you have more important people to talk to than them, and that is not the impression to give. Even if it is for work, don’t do it. The big big businessman is too important to turn his phone off for their little angel? Think again!

Be engaged in conversations. One of the best ways to be charming is to act genuinely interested in people. People like others who seem interested in their lives, and they love to talk about themselves. So ask your girlfriend’s parents questions and listen attentively when they talk to you. When they tell you things, ask follow-up questions to get more details. And follow the basic rules of polite conversation: avoid controversial topics, don’t interrupt, don’t swear, etc.

Find something in common. There is always common ground to be found. You may like the same sports -- maybe even the same teams. You may enjoy similar movies, music or wine. You can always find common ground if you try hard enough.

If worse comes to worst, you can both agree on the fact that his daughter is a wonderful girl. If all else fails, talk about how amazing she is and how lucky you are to have found her.

Give compliments. It’s almost always a good idea to say how nice their house is. If the place is clearly a dump, then skip it, of course. Giving praise will backfire if it’s not sincere. If they cook for you, always compliment the grub. And ask for seconds, even if you’re not hungry. Say something nice about your girlfriend too. Her parents raised her, so you’re really complimenting them at the same time. Naturally, you should never overdo it with the praise. There’s a big difference between being a kiss-up and being polite.

Don’t act nervous. Even if you are. Much of how we judge a man is related to his confidence and bearing. Even if her dad intimidates you, and is clearly sizing you up, don’t act intimidated. Look him right back in the eye. Speak clearly and articulately. You’ll never gain his manly respect by staring at your shoes and breaking out in a sweat. And if you appear shifty, the parents may assume you have something to hide.

Be positive. Talk about your interests, your hobbies, and the things that make you happy. Involve your girlfriend in the conversation. Talk about what the two of you enjoy doing together. It’s important for you to come off as a positive person, because no one likes being around a grouch. Do you hate your boss? Don’t bring it up. Leave negativity at home.

Remember you’re being judged. If you’re lucky, her parents will be easy to talk to. Amid all the laughter and good will, you may start to feel like you can do no wrong. Hold on there, tiger. Being confident is helpful, but being over-confident is dangerous. No matter how comfortable they make you feel, remember that they’re watching you.

Be polite, even if they are rude. Parents are people too, which means they have the capacity for making offensive comments. For example, some families love to talk politics at the dinner table. Don’t engage, especially if you disagree with what they’re saying. Try to steer the conversation into safer territory.

Don't make enemies. This is the main aim of the game, but even if her dad really gets up your nose, under no circumstance show it. As for her mother, well she is your new best friend. She is your ally and will be the key to more invites, recommendations to the rest of the extended family and the shoulder your girl cries on when you have a ‘debate’. Win her over and you’re golden.

Be helpful. If you’re eating at their house, ask if you can help make dinner or set the table. After dinner, offer to help clean up. They might decline, but they’ll appreciate the offer.

Be a Good Houseguest

If you’re spending the night with your girlfriend’s parents, be sure to follow the rules of being a polite houseguest. In addition, remember to follow some additional guidelines:

Be prepared to sleep in separate rooms. Even if you and your girlfriend currently live together, if her parents want you to sleep in separate rooms, then do so without complaint or comment. You’re in their house and should follow their rules. If you are given a sleeping bag and asked to sleep on the sofa, do so happily.

Don’t walk around in your skivvies. Don’t come to breakfast in your BVDs. Always bring a t-shirt and pajamas pants with you so that if you’re woken in the night or they walk in on you in the morning, mom’s not going to get an eyeful of your man junk.

Leave a Good Impression

How you leave your girlfriend’s parent’s house is just as important as how you enter. Leave them thinking happy thoughts about you.

Give them a nice goodbye. When you’re leaving, thank your girlfriend’s parents for your visit. Tell them what a pleasure it was to meet them. Shake hands again. If mom goes in for the hug, give her a good one.

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