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Chart patterns

Doesn’t matter if it’s real or fake, everyone sees them and reacts to it in some way even if they try not to.

To say TA doesn’t exist is to say human psychology doesn’t exist.

I know there is a support there, you know it, we all know it, that makes it real, even if you chose to ignore it you’ve given it existence by incorporating it into you decision, positively or negatively.


Seriously. You can look at the similarities in a bunch of these charts in the first 1-2 reversals and realize there’s no way to even know which would happen.

The herd, algos, etc. is pretty fucking random. It’s been shown time and time again.

If you’re making money off charts, you haven’t been doing charts long enough to miss the luck yet, because eventually, you lose (at least relative to the market).


Spent a fair amount of money learning to read all of these stupid patterns. 6 months later I realized it was a bunch of shit.

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